Crew Management
NYK SHIPMANAGEMENT PTE LTD has manning office / agent in India, The Philippines, Croatia, Romania, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Russia (Vladivostok), Myanmar, Nigeria, Angola, Taiwan, Belgium, and Thailand, with a pool of around 9,000 seafarers, including the Japanese officers.
The Company believes in the philosophy that its ship personnel are its greatest asset and has programs as cadet apprenticeship, in-house promotions, crew morale and welfare, seafarers dialogues, various in-house value adding training programs to groom the seafarers to perform at their best.
The Company continuously develops its own people by putting premiums on training, the computer-based simulation, and actual hands-on exposure on various level of responsibilities, with emphasize on safety.
The career path of seafarer is drawn up from the entry level, i.e. from cadet to Master and Chief Engineer.
Crew is continuously provided opportunity to under-study for next higher rank and eventually to Senior positions in offices ashore.
The company constantly strives for continuous improvement of its ship and for shore-based procedures and system in meeting the demand of customer and stake holders.
Percentage of Seafarers by Nationality