On this day, the 1st of July 2022 when the first droplets of the annual southwest monsoon splattered onto the parched soil of the national capital region of India, NYK Shipmanagement (India) Pvt Ltd commenced ship-management support services from its office in Gurugram.
To fully comprehend the significance of this day, we need to briefly delve into our history.
NYK Shipmanagement Pte Ltd, Singapore (NYKSM) created a liaison office in Mumbai, India in 2002 for recruitment of Indian seafarers. Soon thereafter, in 2005 & 2006 branch liaison offices were opened in Kolkata, Delhi & Chennai to cover the whole of the subcontinent. From then onwards, these offices have continued to provide a steady stream of extremely competent navigating officers and marine engineers – many of whom have progressed to key shore positions in the company.
In 2009, in the aftermath of the “Lehman Shock”, NYK Line Tokyo started the “Yosoro” project. One of the goals was to reduce operational costs. With this goal in mind, the idea of commencing ship-management services from economical regions, including from India, was first mooted within NYKSM.
Additionally, in 2012 the Reserve Bank of India issued a directive to the Director-General of Shipping, India making it mandatory for all manning offices to be actual registered companies to comply with corporate taxation regulations. This gave us the impetus to convert our India liaison office into a registered company licensed to conduct recruitment and placement services as well as actual ship-management functions. After numerous meetings and explanatory communication, we were successful in obtaining the required licenses within a year. Nevertheless, for several reasons, it has taken us till now to start ship-management in India. Needless to say, this could not have been achieved without the approval of our holding company NYK Line and our valued clients Anchor Ship Management. We remain truly obliged to both for their continuous support and cooperation.
This article would remain incomplete if there is no mention of the efforts and work done by our staff in India and Singapore without whose diligence and tireless work, we could not have reached such a prominent milestone in our history. Furthermore, we welcome the technical staff who have willingly chosen to move to Gurugram to start up this venture. We are sure they will continue to provide top class ship-management services to our clients in cooperation with our head office in Singapore and make this project truly successful.
Hemant Pathania
Sr Advisor, NYKSM (At Gurugram)
